To apply a different style of underline, such as a double underline or a single or double accounting underline (an underline that fills the width of a cell), click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Font and then, in the Underline box, click the style that you want to use. To apply a single underline, click Underline. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do one of the following: Highlight the total row, right -click on the row, select Format Cells from the pop-up menu, and then on the Font tab, select Double Accounting from the Underline dropdown box, then click OK. You can also press F2 to edit the active cell, use the arrow keys to place the insertion point, and then use SHIFT+arrow keys to select the contents. Below are the five steps needed to apply this formatting: 1.

If editing in a cell is turned off, you can click the cell and then select the text or numbers that you want to underline in the formula bar. If editing in a cell is turned on, you can select the cell contents by double-clicking the cell. Drag it to the edge of the 'paper' so that it appears as it does on the certificate itself. Set the wrap of the graphic to Behind Text.

#Create a blank underline in excel install#
If the certificate is smaller than the page, put the certificate top centre of the page. Before applying Kutools for Excel, please download and install it firstly. Here I gathered 4 simple ways that can underline specific text in Word, let's have a quick look. Create a new blank document and insert the certificate image full size into the header view document.

Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator wrote in message news. To underline just a portion of the contents in a cell, double-click that cell, and then select the text or numbers that you want to underline. Creating underline to certain sentence in Word can highlight the information you want to emphasize. enclose a set of spaces by a tab at each end and all of it will be underlined, or you could use a non-breaking space (ctrl+shift+space) instead of tabs. To underline all text or numbers in a cell or range of cells, select that cell or range of cells.